07 Nov Your Favourite Alpine Dishes at Home
Recreate Alpine Dishes at Home
As the nights draw in and the clocks going back, we’re dreaming of alpine comfort food! So our resident ‘foodie’ at Kaluma has put together a collection of her favourite recipes for you to replicate at home and bring back those memories of your ski trip and get you in the mood for your next one!
Our Favourite Alpine Dishes
The ultimate warming comfort food, this traditional Savoyard delight is a skier’s firm favourite. With bacon, potatoes and cheese, what is there not to like!
Serves 4
1kg waxy potatoes (Charlottes work well)
250g bacon, cut into lardons
½ white onion
1 garlic clove
100ml white wine
200ml double cream
450g brie or traditional Reblochon cheese
- Preheat the oven to 200C/400F
- Cook potatoes in boiling water for 5-10mins or until soft. Drain and set aside
- Heat a frying pan and fry the bacon, onion and garlic for 4-5mins until golden brown
- Add the white wine and continue to cook
- Slice the cooled potatoes thinly and layer in an ovenproof dish with the bacon mix.
- Pour over double cream, season and top with cheese slices
Bake for 10-15mins until the cheese is golden
Wiener Schnitzel
Who doesn’t love a good schnitzel? This naughty lunchtime treat is ever-popular in the Austrian ski resorts and both simple and satisfying. The traditional Viennese dish uses veal, but you can always use pork instead.
Serves 4
4 veal/pork schnitzels
2 eggs, beaten
100g plain flour
100g breadcrumbs
- Remove any skin from the meat, beat until thin and season
- Put the beaten eggs, flour and eggs on different plates
- Coat each cutlet on both sides in the flour then the eggs and then the breadcrumbs. Push the crumbs into meat to ensure a good coating
- Heat oil or butter in a large pan until very hot
- Fry the meat for 2-4mins until golden brown then fry on the other side
- Remove from the pan and dry on kitchen paper to remove excess oil
- Serve with traditional potato salad, cranberry sauce and slice of lemon
There’s always room for dessert! If you are looking to satisfy a sweet tooth, these gorgeous mini beignets from the Lyon region are simply stunning. A perfect alpine dish for a little snack after a day on the slopes!
250g plain flour
50g unsalted butter, cut into cubes
50g caster sugar
2 eggs, beaten
½ litre of oil for frying
Icing sugar
- Sift flour into a large bowl, add the sugar and salt, then the butter and stir
- Make a well in the middle of the mixture and add the beaten eggs
- Using your hands combine all the ingredients and knead for 1-2mins. Make a ball, cover and leave to rest for at least 2 hours
- Roll out the dough on a floured surface into a rectangle shape about 2mm thick
- Cut strips 1 ½-2” wide, divide these into smaller rectangles about 4” long
- To make the traditional twist: cut a slit lengthwise down each rectangle about 1 1/2” long, push one of the shorter ends of the rectangle through this hole to form a knot and reshape
- Heat the oil in a frying pan until boiling hot. Add a few knotted strips to it. Flip when golden brown after a few seconds
- Once complete brown take out and drain on kitchen roll
- Sprinkle with icing sugar and enjoy!
If you particularly enjoyed any alpine dishes cooked by one of our professional Kaluma chefs, please let us know and we’d be happy to share the recipe!
Happy cooking!
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