31 Oct Top 10 Ski Related Brand Matches
Our Top 10 Ski Related Brands / Branding
Over the last 10 years we have been lucky enough to be associated with various mainstream and bespoke skis and ski wear and luxury products.
In no particular order we have listed them here:
- Narrona Ski Jackets. One of our best ever associations was with this Norwegian ski clothing company. Great technical jackets, looked really good and were worn by our managers and ski guides. Always received great comments.
- Helly Hansen Ski Jackets. One of several ventures into the world of Helly Hansen. At one period of time they had a bit of a struggling reputation but have in recent years enjoyed and celebrated some fabulous technical clothing and relatively affordable prices. We had a great black and white Ski Jacket which was durable, smart and great for the mountain
- O’Neil Down Puffers. Maybe not the force in mountain wear that they could be or should be, more commonly associated with the surfing brand. However, these warm, stand out, lovely coloured sky blue jackets were a real hit with our staff and guests alike. Ideal for wear on a cold day around resort and great for attracting attention on the mountain.
- Salomon Puffer Gillets. In our early years we struck up a great deal with Salomon and got some great, warm, smart puffer gillets. Great worn over a shirt to look smart in town, and warm and cosy to wear under a ski jacket on the hill. Havent seent hem in the shops since (!) but thankfully ours have stood the test of time and 10 years on, still wearing it!
- Helly Hansen Micro Fleeces. Again, a relationship with HH. Some great micro fleeces for wear under ski jackets to keep you toasty on a cold day. Developed into an additional part of our chalet hosts uniform, as was smart, yet relaxed and well branded by Kaluma!
- Marks & Spencer’s. After a delightful offer from one of our regular guests, who at the time happened to be the person in charge of arranging and fitting the M&S suits worn by the England football team, we had much of our chalet host and managers clothing from M&S. Easy to wear, looked smart and their easy or no iron range was a godsend for some!
- Land Rover. When we think of the Alps and snow and driving we always think back to our “Disco 4’s”. The Discovery 4 was/is a great machine. Comfy, very smart, seats 6 adults, 4 wheel drive, great in snow, sterdy off the road. Two great years in association with Land Rover. A special mention also to VW and the Caravelle – a true servant and our go to reliable resort vehicles.
- K2 Skis. Although not a direct association per say, we have enjoyed skiing on these skis, perhaps more then any other over the years. Ski technology and colours and shapes change season on season but K2 have consistenly manufactured some great skis for the piste, but mainly, off the piste and for all over the mountain. Special mentions must go to Rossignols, White Dots, Line, Salomon as well – all for producing some great skis and allowing us some great time on the mountain
- Tea Pigs. Now – although this isn’t a “ski brand” as it were, they are a luxury that has been enjoyed by many a Kaluma guest in the past 4 years. Since we struck up a great relationship with the “Tea Birds” and have been stocking a great range of their teas, nothing better after a great ski on a cold mountain to come back to your chalet and a delicious hot cup of Tea Pigs Tea.
- I suppose we are also now a brand. KALUMA TRAVEL – Something people are hopefully proud to be associated with. Proud to work with and very proud to travel with. We believe we encompass everything we look for in our partners. Confidence, reassurance, reliability, comfort and luxury.
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