02 Nov Kaluma and The Snow-Camp Charity
We are delighted to be working with the Snow-Camp Charity from this winter season onwards.
It is a great synergy for Kaluma and a fantastic charity for us to be associated with.
Snow-Camp’s mission is a strong one:
Snow-Camp’s mission is to engage inner-city young people through snowsports to provide life skills training, nationally recognised qualifications and work experience to increase their motivations and aspirations, enabling them to gain employment in the snowsports industry and beyond.
For full details of this amazing charity, offering life changing experiences for young inner city children please view their website: SNOW-CAMP
As of now, Kaluma have donated a full bursary, allowing inner city children to participate in a full course (or year), all the way though their journey and their personal development.
“Motivating young people to fully engage is the key to successful youth work and the young people we work with are traditionally hard to engage. We have found that snowsports are incredibly attractive to inner-city young people, despite being out-of-reach for many. The opportunity to participate in snowsports acts as the tool with which we can effectively engage young people and maintain a positive involvement with them. This is achieved through our Programme Journey, which takes place at artificial and indoor snowsports centres in the UK.”
Kaluma are also offering two young people the chance to work for Kaluma for the 2019/20 winter season in one of our resorts. Offering them the chance to complete their course and apprenticeship and to then work within the luxury travel industry. Offering an opportunity that one or two years ago would have seemed like a lifetime away.
How can you help Snow-Camp, our chosen charity?
We will also be offering our guests the chance to “opt out” of a small charitable donation on their final invoices. This would go someway to helping inner city children escape the city and begin their journey. Of course this is completely “by choice” and absolutely no obligation to donate at all.
As a further gesture of our support and appreciation of this excellent cause, Kaluma are also offering one of our chalets as an added incentive!
Sweet Little Home is our newest chalet in St Anton and perhaps the most photographed chalet in the resort, as well as one of the most iconic. For any dates sold in January, we will donate 10% of the proceeds to Snow-Camp.
If you are interested in hearing more about Snow-Camp please do visit their website for more information.
Alternatively do call our office and ask to speak to one of our charity specialists.
Since the very start of Kaluma, back in 2003, we have always used the strapline :
“providing a service that really makes a difference”
Now we are delighted to really be making a difference to the lives of others and offering a chance for a different, better, fulfilled and educated life.

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